What do you do when your dream comes true… and it SUCKS? Yacht Rock Revue was supposed to be a joke. A group of extremely talented, totally frustrated Atlanta musicians got together and decided to play the most awful music they could think of - a playlist they referred to as “Dental Office Disco.” With an uncanny knack for sounding like every soft rock band from the late 70s and early 80s, Nick, Mark, Pete and friends donned polyester and took to the stage… Now 7 years later they are selling out 10,000+ seat venues weeks in advance, getting mauled by adoring fans in countries all over the world, headlining their own cruises, and completely at odds with their fake band’s success. Is it really selling out when you’re making this much cash? It’s their worst nightmare and your mom’s wet dream - Come steal away with YACHT ROCK.
by Chorus Films